Our lives require us to travel. Ever growing globalized connections allow us to access places through travel and movement. As exciting and expanding this is, vata can become out of balanced from our traveler lifestyles.
Vata, air and ether, increase with driving, flying, and general movement. To prevent dry lips due to dehydration and stress of travel, make sure to take care of your vata. The night before traveling, eat a well cooked, easily digestible meal and get a good nights rest. Make sure to start the morning of your travels with a glass of warm water and ginger to support digestion and calm nerves. Spend five minutes deep breathing and be mindful of how you are walking and holding your body. Fly safe and enjoy the ride!
It has been over 6 Years since I moved out to Colorado on a beautiful March day, awe in my eyes over the sight of the Rockies from the plane. Since leaving Boulder, I have lived in the middle of nowhere North Carolina on a Chinese Medicinal Herb farm; lived and farmed in the bosom of the Cascades and Siskiyou mountains in Ashland, Oregon working in town at an Ayurvedic herb shop; studied the ancient science of self-healing with Dr. Vasant Lad in the Wild West of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I have harvested the fruits of my labor, made lifelong friends, obtained to ability/legitimacy to practice Ayruvedic medicine and teach yoga. I have learned how to live sufficiently in the woods and find direction home. I have glimpsed true contentment into the raw beauty of the earth and have been blessed with a sincere comradery of herbs. Learning their ins and outs. Breathing through the ups and downs. Seen the Painted Desert, evergreen forest, canyons of fern, Zion, tents of rocks, craters of the earth, temples of sand, height of the Red Woods, backwoods of the Appalachia’s, literally driven down the “loneliest road” in America. I have collected things. I have discarded things. I prepare to move back to Ashland, OR. Sometimes we find ourselves right where we started. The journey but necessary to realize that all we need is in our souls. The painful development to hold the capacity to relate to others. The experience to realize that what does not agree with us allows us the power of clarity to accept what does. |
Beverly's BlogArchives
September 2023